Besides the fact of storms and tornadoes, I was involved in a MAJOR car accident which totally destroyed my vehicle, a 2006 Ford Focus. I sustained injuries and needed to be airlifted by helicopter to the hospital where I was treated and released a day later. I cannot discuss the details my injuries, but all I can say is I am in ONE PIECE and my outcome could have (and, based on the laws of physics, should have) been much worse.
Above is a picture of the remains of the 2006 Ford Focus after the accident. The accident occurred traveling southbound in the right lane on I-75 near Miramar where a flatbed tow-truck (driver of which was cited by FHP as at fault) swerved across 2 lanes and slammed into the drivers side of my vehicle. The drivers side was ripped apart and my car was thrown off the right shoulder, flipping 6 times before coming to rest in the grass. By the nature of this accident, and the looks of the vehicle, me being "still here" is nothing short of a Christmas miracle. All I got to say is "thank God" and make sure you insist on the use of airbags and seatbelts - They do save lives, including mine.
On a much lighter note, the picture above shows the storms rolling across south Florida over the Christmas holidays. A severe thunderstorm cell makes for a nice precipitation core on the left, and a spectacular gust front can be seen over western Palm Beach county to the right.
God bless everyone and wish everyone a happy holidays and New Year as well!