Friday, November 29, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024 And Beating Cancer (11/28)

Hurricane season draws to a close on November 30, and the holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving really had a meaning this year ... Since I managed to beat cancer over the course of 2024. This was a very rare form of MALE breast cancer, called "invasive papillary carcinoma". I first noticed something was wrong after a bruise I got while skydiving in 2022 never quite healed - Leaving a fluid-filled area under my left breast. This is what made me see a doctor, and eventually I found that the cancer was a "tiny speck" surrounded by the fluid-filled sac! This "alerted" me into catching it early and seeking treatment, preventing its spread, and saving my life and health. I put this video out there so people can get advice, and be aware of the insidious effects of such diseases. The video also shows my journey to being cured, and rather interesting aspects of my treatment (including radiation therapy).

I posted a video of this in the GALLERY section of my website. However, you can jump straight to the section on my web-site for my video of a detailed story explaining this journey to better health by clicking the link below.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Halloween Boogie At Skydive Perris (11/9)

Traveled to southern California for the 2024 Halloween Jet Boogie in late October and early November 2024. This is the only place you can skydive from a commercial airliner, a DC-9 jet, the only such aircraft converted to a skydiving jump-ship (and brought back online after over a decade). I also did a "dead air" exit from a hot air balloon over Perris during a crisp morning at sunrise!

You can check out the SKYDIVING section of my website (which has videos of these jumps), or click the link below.