Thursday, April 16, 2020

Laid-Off And Covid-19 (3/15)

The new year of 2020 started off great, with a great new IT contract job landed for myself in early December of 2019 in Denver, Colorado - One of the best jobs in my life - Until myself and 11 others were laid off in early to mid March of 2020. Like Sept 11 in 2001, the fear and pandemic of the Corona-virus, spreading geometrically across the world, caused the largest stock market crash in many years. Of course, this affected my company, E*Trade, which handled stocks and investments, and I was one of the ones to leave. Unfortunately this is just the beginning of what's to come.

This disease will continue to spread, and quickly affect the worlds population. This will shut down many businesses and events, especially those where large amounts of people congregate (cruises, sporting events, theaters, etc). The only way to slow down the spread is to keep away from crowded places, and wash your hands frequently, and just STAY HOME. The most danger to the people are the sick and elderly, which obviously will be the hardest hit (mainly over 65), leaving the younger crowds (millennials) with almost no symptoms at all. This can, and probably will, KILL a LOT of people. God bless everyone in this tough period and I hope this pandemic gets under control soon.

See just one of the effects this has done, at an airport in Florida, in the FLYING section of this web site, or at the link for it below.

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